Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Human Resource activities Assignment Help

Human Resource activities Assignment Help
Human Resource activities Assignment HelpWhat does it mean to strategically manage employees? Identify and explain the three primary HR activities. Which of the three primary HR activities is most challenging and why?
Managing employees is a root major activity for a business for its healthiness and strategic alignment with the departments and synchronization with the employees. The management keeps trying with the new human resource activities for managing the employees with their performances and their stress and pressure related with the work operations.
Three Human Resource activities for managing the employees:
  1. Rewards and Recognition –Rewards and Recognition or R&R programs are conducted to make the employees fairly addressed with their performance which directly motivates them with the monetary or non-monetary terms of gifts and rewards.
  2. Performance appraisal –Another way of managing the employees are performance appraisals which are based on the annual or a term specific performance.The performance is evaluated on the certain parameters and principles which are determined by the management and based on that feedbacks and promotions are provided to the employees.
  3. Training and induction programs –Most specific way for the management of the employees are training and induction programs where the specialized activities are addressed in lieu to make the workforce capable and efficient to make them addressing the organization goals and visions.
The most challenging HR activity from the above three activities are the performance appraisal as the performance is evaluated on the certain parameters and standards which are predetermined and not on the real circumstances which actually happened.

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